Ted Owens

Elected Experience

Endorsed by Benton County Republican Party

Other Professional Experience

General Manager of Food Marketing retail chain, responsible for budgeting, procurement, marketing-merchandising, human resources, Washington Food Industry Association Legislative Committee member


Higher education in Theology

Community service

Youth Sports Coach, Precinct Committee Officer BCRP, Chaplain, Multnomah County Prison Systems, Chaplain, Tri-City Union Gospel Mission


Hello, my name is Ted Owens and I am running for Kennewick City Council seat 7.

My family and I have lived in Kennewick for 20 years and want to improve the quality of living for current and future citizens. City policies should be creating an environment enabling the pursuit of happiness and prosperity.

My governing philosophy is based on Judeo-Christian principles, which is not a respecter of societal position but one of civil liberties enumerated in the Bill Of Rights, that God-given unalienable rights is the basis of our freedoms. I am a fiscal conservative and a defender of Civil Liberties and Human Agency. Governance should reflect the community, not because of a percentage or to meet a mandated quota but because of the strength that cultural diversity brings. I have worked with and learned from Latino and Black Communities and have been enriched by those experiences. As the city looks to revitalize and plan for growth I will always exercise fiscal restraint, being respectful of taxpayer dollars, measuring efficiency, effectiveness, and addressing the issues affecting our community with compassion and resolve.

I ask for your support for our campaign and your vote.

Endorsements and letters

No letters of support or opposition listed yet.

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Reported raised $2,158 from 11+ unique donors. ($0 in cash, $0 in kind)

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