Port of Benton Commissioner 2

Christy Rasmussen

Elected Experience
Port of Benton Commissioner Pos. 2 Appointed November 2021

Other Professional Experience
Instructional Technologist at Energy Northwest. Former public school administrator and educator in Pasco and Richland School Districts...

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💰$9,981 from 33+ donors, including Plumbers Steamfitters Local Union 598 Pac ($2400)International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers Local 112 Pac ($1000)Den Hood Heiillee ($1000)Berg Farms Llc ($1000)Laborers Local 348 Ssf ($500)Brecke Allen ($500)Moon Security ($500)Small Contributions ($280)

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Scott Keller

Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

Seventeen years Executive Director, Port of Benton, Twelve years Airport Director, Port of Benton, Banking: Mortgage Loan Officer, Commercial Lending, Marketing Officer



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Endorsements and letters

No letters of support or opposition listed yet.


No donor data reported

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Statement AStrong ALean ALean BStrong BStatement B

Citizens should elect me because I will make the best decision I can based on my experience, judgment, and beliefs.

Citizens should elect me because I will seek out opinions and perspectives different from my own when formulating a decision.

Ports have a duty to work with other local governments and communities to balance transportation logistics for commerce.

Ports have a duty to prioritize transportation logistics for commerce even where it may negatively impact other local governments and communities.

Ports should rely on the private sector to create projects that enhance culture.

Ports should help fund major capital projects that enhance the vibrancy of local culture.

We should control and guide suburban sprawl even if doing so affects short-term economic growth.

We shouldn’t restrain free market development; it's critical to our local economy.

The port is doing a good job of being transparent.

The port should do a much better job of being transparent.

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