Pasco School Board Pos 1

Steve Norberg

Elected Experience

Other Professional Experience

Professor and Regional Forage Specialist with Washington State University and Franklin County Extension last 12 Years; Teaching/Research Associate at University of Nebraska; 2023 - National...

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Endorsements and letters

No letters of support or opposition listed yet.


๐Ÿ’ฐ$5,570 from 5+ donors, including Franklin County Republican Central Committee ($5000)Didier Clint ($300)Heinen Kevin ($200)Horton Sue ($50)Sesler Jerrold ($20)

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Steve Norberg
Steve Norberg
Vincent Guerrero

Elected Experience

No information submitted

Other Professional Experience

Vincent Guerrero was born and raised in Eastern Washington. Raised by parents who are farmers and still are farming. Vincent knows Eastern Washington and how life in ...

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๐Ÿ’ฐ$225 from 1+ donors, including Skye White Consulting Llc ($225)

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Vincent Guerrero
Vincent Guerrero
Statement AStrong ALean ALean BStrong BStatement B

Our district is underfunded for the needs of our operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.

Funding in our school district is adequate for operations, maintenance, and/or capital improvements.

Raises for teachers should be through cost of living adjustments or the annual step increases built into the salary schedules.

Teachers in our district are under-compensated and should be a higher budget priority than they are currently.

We should prioritize protecting students from encountering perspectives that may be harmful to them.

We should prioritize making all educational materials available to students.

The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from parents and involving them in in decision-making.

The school board should do a much better job of seeking input and involving parents in in decision-making.

The school board is doing a good job of seeking input from educators and involving them in in decision-making.

The school board should do a much better job of seeking input and involving educators in in decision-making.

My personal beliefs and political leanings will have little effect on my decision-making process as a member of the school board.

My personal beliefs and political leanings will be an important part of my decision-making process as a member of the school board.

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