Kurt Maier

Elected Experience


Other Professional Experience

I've collaborated with people from all walks of life at Google, IBM, the University of Maryland, PNNL, and other organizations, in Nashville, Indianapolis, Baltimore, Kabul, and more. I'm a veteran of the United States Army. I've worked as a telephone repairman, an auto mechanic, a roofer, a chicken farmer, a manager, and a professional cook, but mostly as a supercomputing engineer.


Bachelor's of Science, Middle Tennessee State University. Currently pursuing a Masters of Science in Data Analytics from Western Governors University.

Community Service

Richland Public Library Board of Trustees member from 2017 to 2022. Chair from 2020-2022.


I believe in living within my means, and I believe in the values that made America the greatest country on Earth. Richland needs a council with a problem-solving mentality. We need housing affordable enough that our families can live here. We need a city code that encourages local businesses, instead of tying them up with red tape. And we certainly don't need to turn the city into a rest stop for out-of-town commuters.

If elected to City Council, I would lead the same way as at my job -- find out directly from the source what people need to succeed, and work hard to make sure they get it. I believe that Richland deserves a city council focused on governing Richland; not on political party games, not on getting elected to higher offices, not on using the office as a platform to tell people what to think or how to run their businesses.

Does the council member you voted for have a lot of absences? If you missed that much work, would you still have a job? Whoever you vote for, hold them accountable! Let them know you expect them to show up. It's literally the least they can do.

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Kurt Maier
Kurt Maier


Reported raised $1,600 from 4+ unique donors. ($1,600 in cash, $0 in kind)

Click the triangle to see more details and links to financial disclosure reports.

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