J.R. Campos

Elected Experience

Appointed Pasco City Council District 2, Ben Franklin Transit Board of Directors, Benton Franklin Walla Walla Good Roads Association

Other Professional Experience
Washington River Protection Solutions Work Control Planner, Stevens Middle School Assistant Wrestling Coach 2017

Bachelors of Applied Science in Project Management, Pasco Senior High School Class of 2005

Community Service
Pasco's Planning Commission 2017-2021


I am honored to present myself as a candidate for City Council Member in the City of Pasco's District 2. I am deeply invested in the well-being and success of our community. I was born and raised in Pasco, I understand the unique challenges and opportunities we face. I will be a tireless advocate for our district, working diligently to address the issues that matter most to you.

I am passionate about fostering economic growth and creating job opportunities in our district. By attracting new businesses and supporting local entrepreneurs, we can enhance our community's prosperity and improve the quality of life for all residents.

Environmental sustainability is another area close to my heart. I will champion initiatives that promote clean energy and work toward utilizing our shoreline in a responsible manner. Safety and Security of our City is crucial to me. Some complex issues such as addressing the homeless crisis, will take someone like me who's capable of creative problem solving to address it.

Above all, I am dedicated to transparency, inclusivity, and collaboration. I will actively seek your input, engage with community organizations, and work alongside fellow council members to make informed decisions that benefit our district.

Endorsements and letters

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