Gregery Levy

Elected Experience:

Elected Chair of City of Richland Code Enforcement Board

Other Professional Experience:

Training Specialist, WRPS; Radiological Control Supervisor, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard; Nuclear Machinist Mate 1st Class, United States Navy


Naval Nuclear Power School

Community Service:

Served 5 years on City of Richland Code Enforcement Board, Vice-President of the Board, Rude Mechanicals Theatre Company, 2018-2020, Community Judge, NCFCA Debate Regional Qualifier


Thirteen years ago I left a job I didn’t need to leave to move to Richland. Primary among the reasons for that choice was that Richland felt like a better place to raise a family than the Puget Sound Area. There were large parks we could take the kids to on the weekends and smaller neighborhood parks they could easily walk to for an afternoon of enjoying the sunshine. For me, if my schedule prevented me getting to the mountains, then I could always head to the Amon Basin or Chamna Natural Reserve to relax and not hear cars for a little bit.

Richland remains a good place to raise a family, but it takes active participation by involved citizens to keep it that way. As someone who grew up in the Puget Sound area I saw a lot of towns rapidly become cities in an uncontrolled, unplanned manner, often outgrowing the families that lived there. Growth and development, especially when properly managed, are required for a city to maintain its vitality. I look forward to helping Richland grow, while also staying a great place to raise a family.

Endorsements and letters

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Reported raised $2,650 from 12+ unique donors. ($2,650 in cash, $0 in kind)

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