David Milne

Elected Experience
Elected to the Pasco City Council for the past 6 years, Head football coach for PYF, Boy Scout Leader, board member to Pasco Parks & Recreation and represent WA for STAFDA.

Other Professional Experience
I started my business at 21 which has become the largest tool store in South-Eastern Washington which is Milne Nail, Power Tool and Repair. Member of Pasco Advisory Council, Copa, Leadership Tri-Cities class XXII.

Attended CBC and WSU Tri-Cities with a major in business.

Community Service
As a Rotarian there is always a project or need in the community. Active in the Duck Races, C3SLAM, Multi-Club International Grants and other endeavors.


I have been honored to live and raise my family here in Pasco for the past 23 years. I have a great wife and I've been blessed to raise our 4 kids.

America is a great country and I feel it is my civic duty to be involved in our community when given the chance. That is why I believe I bring a special set of skills to the Council as a small business owner and lifelong Republican. Safety for our residents and business's is my number one goal as a Pasco Councilman hence the reason I strongly support our local law enforcement. Other goals are smart growth for the Broadmoor area, oversite for the Animal shelter, keeping taxes to a minimum, a large family friendly central park, and a small government footprint for our community. I also strongly support our local trade apprenticeship programs and fire department. On another note I strongly believe Marijana stores in our downtown and in other business areas will only bring crime and other unwanted consequences to our community. I am asking for your support in this election and would be honored to represent you, the voter, in November. Thank You and God Bless!!

Endorsements and letters

No letters of support or opposition listed yet.

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Reported raised $1,000 from 1+ unique donors. ($1,000 in cash, $0 in kind)

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