David Cole

Elected Experience

Precinct Committee Officer

Other Professional Experience

U.S Navy veteran, Deputy Sheriff (Houston, TX), WA Dept. of Corrections, Vocational Instructor (Peninsula College), Hanford employee (planning) 23 years


Lamar University (Criminal Justice), Texas A&M University (Criminal Justice)

Community Service

Board President – Tri Cities Residential Services, Board Member – You Medical, Constitution Coach – Patriot Academy, Treasurer – Operation Thank You Veterans Golf, Vet Mentor – Benton County Veterans Therapeutic Court, Group Leader – ReEngage Marriage Ministry


As a non-profit board member, my experience includes policy and budget oversight and working collaboratively to achieve desired outcomes. Our city’s vision statement says we are “a growing city where family values and community responsiveness are important. The city should grow in a balanced way to produce a safe and inviting community having good residential and recreational alternatives and a healthy economic base.” I agree with that vision. Citizens value transparency in city government. I will be responsive to their concerns. We can have growth and keep our small town roots. I will promote a business-friendly climate that enables local businesses to thrive. West Richland has been my home for 17 years. My children and grandchildren live here. I will advance family-friendly policies that strengthen our neighborhoods. As a former sworn law enforcement officer, I support the police officers who protect and serve us. I oppose any efforts to defund or minimize their mission. The impact of substance abuse in our community is visible. I oppose marijuana stores in West Richland. I am endorsed by the Benton County Republican party. I am the conservative choice for West Richland City Council.

Endorsements and letters

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Reported raised $3,452 from 11+ unique donors. ($0 in cash, $0 in kind)

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